Monday, 13 February 2017

Believers pierce their backs, bellies and cheeks with hooks to show devotion to God (photos, video)

- Hindu Tamil worshippers gather in India, South Africa, Malaysia and Sri Lanka during the Thaipusam festival
- The worshippers pierce their flesh to draw blood with hooks and skewers without displaying any signs of pain
- The Thaipusam festival is a festival that celebrates the faith, endurance and penance of the worshippers
Believers pierce their backs, bellies and cheeks with hooks to show devotion to God (photos, video)
The believers piere their flesh with hooks and skewers
These images and video capture the moment thousands of Hindu worshippers gathered in the streets of Chennai in India this Thursday to perform their bloody rituals.
Believers pierce their backs, bellies and cheeks with hooks to show devotion to God (photos, video)
Devoted Thaipussam worshippers gather in the thousands

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